Thursday, July 04, 2013

When Time is Money Entertainment is Cheap!

So what do YOU do when you are bored and on summer vacation? 

We count loose change.

I thought it would be a good way to do a bit of math practice.  Stacking, multiplying, adding...

All of these stacks equal a dollar... etc. 

But instead, this is what happened...

Lego Man came and helped us transport coins from one side of the table to the other...

And as you can see, eight dollars worth of pennies is a hefty job.

So it wasn't a total waste of time, he did have to build a tool, adjust the truck to balance the coins better, establish a process.  There was some problem solving involved. 

And I learned one thing... My boy can't be distracted by money... even enough to trick him to use math...

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